Project Object Model

The POM for the Hello installer extends our Site Demo by adding an installer to the build. To understand how it works, this POM can be viewed into two configurations: site and installer. The Site Demo provides a full description of the site configuration. Here we focus on how to configure an installer.



These properties define, in one place, values to be used throughout the pom.xml, install.xml and *_shortcuts.xml files.

  • izpack.suffix - Used in the izpack-maven-plugin to link the kind with the installerFile name.
  • izpack.source - The location of the IzPack source files.
  • - The location of the IzPack target (output) files.

Plugin Management


The IzPack Maven Plugin compiles and produces a Java installer from an IzPack XML configuration file. The installer is then installed/deployed to maven repositories at install/deploy phases respectively.

Plugin Management is used to declare plugin configurations. To use a plugin it must also appear in the POM plugins section. The advantage of the management section is to declare basic values, such as version, once.


In addition to using the izpack-maven-plugin, we'll use the:

Copy Dependencies


The maven-dependency-plugin copies dependent artifacts (libraries) from the Maven repository to a staging path in our target IzPack location. From there, an Ant execution will organize them into packs.

Ant Executions



The maven-antrun-plugin is a workhorse performing a wagon load of tasks, two of which, prepare and organize our IzPack configuration files.

Prepare IzPack
            <copy todir="${}">
                <fileset dir="${izpack.source}"/>

The prepare-izpack execution copies all source installer files to the target path.

Organize IzPack
            <!-- Organize dependencies into logger packs -->
            <move todir="${}/packs/logger">
                <fileset dir="${}/lib">
                    <include name="slf4j-api*"/>
            <move todir="${}/packs/logger/logback">
                <fileset dir="${}/lib">
                    <include name="logback*"/>
            <move todir="${}/packs/logger/log4j">
                <fileset dir="${}/lib">
                    <include name="log4j*"/>
                    <include name="slf4j-log4j*"/>
            <move todir="${}/packs/logger/jul">
                <fileset dir="${}/lib">
                    <include name="slf4j-jdk14*"/>
            <move todir="${}/packs/logger/simple">
                <fileset dir="${}/lib">
                    <include name="slf4j-simple*"/>

The organize-izpack execution moves dependencies into packs. In this case, each pack represents an optional logging framework that the end-user can select for installation: logback, log4j, jul or simple.