Reference: IzPack Documentation
This project builds a Swing based Hello application; but, this project is not about that! Instead, it is about the installer used to set it up on the end-user's system. There are various ways to distribute an application, the most common being: tarball, zip, package, and installer. The first two distribution types require the user to 'wire-up' the application by adding short cuts and menu entries. The last two types ease the set-up by automating or guiding the user through the set-up options. Packaging is great for Linux systems; but, it is not so common on other systems. By providing an installer, an end-user can quickly get our Hello started. Better yet, you can use this configuration to create an installer for your cool application, too!
Fortunately, the kind folks at IzPack have done most of the work for us. We only need to configure for our needs. If you are not familiar with IzPack, take a moment to browse their documentation then come back here to see how we put it to use.
At Patrodyne, we use Maven to build everything and for IzPack we use izpack-maven-plugin. The plugin has a default location for the IzPack files, in the src/izpack folder. Here is the layout...
patrodyne-site/hello/src/izpack |-- bin | |-- Hello | |-- Hello.cmd | |-- native | | `-- izpack | | |-- ShellLink.dll | | `-- ShellLink_x64.dll | `-- Uninstall |-- cfg | |-- log4j.dtd | |-- log4j.xml | |-- logback.xml | `-- |-- icons | |-- Hello.ico | |-- Hello.png | |-- uninstaller.ico | `-- uninstaller.png |-- lib | `-- ext |-- log |-- packs | `-- logger | |-- jul | |-- log4j | |-- logback | `-- simple |-- InstallerLeft.png |-- install.xml |-- README.html |-- linux_shortcuts.xml `-- winos_shortcuts.xml
We use three configuration files to define how our installation will be packaged and how it will operate: install.xml, linux_shortcuts.xml and winos_shortcuts.xml. The content of these files is specified by IzPack and they are processed by a Maven plugin. In the POM, the izpack-maven-plugin declares its descriptor to be this install.xml. The install.xml declares the shortcuts to complete the configuration.
The configuration files refer to other resources, as describe further down this page.
We begin the install.xml with information describing our project and ourselves. Conveniently, we can include properties from the POM to keep things DRY. IzPack puts this info on the first panel that the end-user sees.
<info> <appname>${}</appname> <appversion>${project.version}</appversion> <appsubpath>Patrodyne/${project.artifactId}/${project.version}</appsubpath> <authors> <author name="Patrodyne" email=""/> </authors> <url>${project.url}</url> <javaversion>1.6</javaversion> <requiresjdk>no</requiresjdk> </info>
For the application name, we use the POM's project name. The name of our poject is Hello. It is an informal name that we use when speaking about our project in conversation. In contrast, the artifact name is more formal: patrodyne-site-hello.
The sub-path determines where our project will be installed, relative to the installation path. In other words, after the end-user selects the installation path, the sub-path is created in it. Our sub-path has three parts:
<variables> <variable name="CFG_DIR" value="${cfgdir}"/> <variable name="EXT_DIR" value="${extdir}"/> <variable name="ICN_DIR" value="${icndir}"/> <variable name="LIB_DIR" value="${libdir}"/> <variable name="LOG_DIR" value="${logdir}"/> <variable name="FINAL_NAME" value="${}"/> </variables>
We define some IzPack variables here so we can use them in the Shortcut files.
<dynamicvariables> <variable name="JVM_CFG_LOG" value="logback.configurationFile=${cfgdir}/logback.xml" condition="LogbackSelected" /> <variable name="JVM_CFG_LOG" value="log4j.configuration=file:${cfgdir}/log4j.xml" condition="Log4jSelected" /> <variable name="JVM_CFG_LOG" value="java.util.logging.config.file=${cfgdir}/" condition="JULSelected" /> </dynamicvariables>
Dynamic variables are cool. The value is determined based on conditions determined by the end-user's choices. For example, the Hello installation gives the user an option to choose one of three popular logging frameworks: logback, log4j or jul. The value of JVM_CFG_LOG will correspond to the selected logging framework.
Hint: You'll see JVM_CFG_LOG later when we declare the command line options for launching the Hello application.
<conditions> <condition type="PackSelection" id="LogbackSelected"> <packid>Logback</packid> </condition> <condition type="PackSelection" id="Log4jSelected"> <packid>Log4j</packid> </condition> <condition type="PackSelection" id="JULSelected"> <packid>JUL</packid> </condition> <condition type="not" id="LogbackIsSelectable"> <condition type="or" id="LogbackIsNotSelectable"> <condition type="ref" refid="Log4jSelected" /> <condition type="ref" refid="JULSelected" /> </condition> </condition> <condition type="not" id="Log4jIsSelectable"> <condition type="or" id="Log4jIsNotSelectable"> <condition type="ref" refid="LogbackSelected" /> <condition type="ref" refid="JULSelected" /> </condition> </condition> <condition type="not" id="JULIsSelectable"> <condition type="or" id="JULIsNotSelectable"> <condition type="ref" refid="LogbackSelected" /> <condition type="ref" refid="Log4jSelected" /> </condition> </condition> </conditions>
In this installation, we use conditions to determine which one of three logging frameworks is selectable:
We use this information to implement a set of radio buttons. First we set a condition to detect which pack is selected:
Next, we set a *IsNotSelectable condition when any of the other options is selected.
Finally, we negate *IsNotSelectable to determine *IsSelectable.
We'll use these conditions later in the Packs section.
<guiprefs width="800" height="500" resizable="no" />
In this element, we set the dimensions of the IzPack installer window to a nice rectangles and disable resizing, to keep things simple.
Nice rectangles have sides corresponding to consecutive Fibonacci numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc. In this case, we choose 5 and 8 (times 100).
<locale> <langpack iso3="eng" /> </locale>
Until we learn to translate "Hello" into other languages, this installation will only support English.
<resources> <res id="Installer.image" src="InstallerLeft.png" /> <res id="Unix_shortcutSpec.xml" src="linux_shortcuts.xml" /> <res id="shortcutSpec.xml" src="winos_shortcuts.xml" /> </resources>
To display a picture on the left side of the IzPack installer window, we define a resource with a magic id, Installer.image. Supported image formats are GIF, JPEG and PNG.
Another magic id, Unix_shortcutSpec.xml defines a resource for Linux desktop shortcuts.
And another magic id, shortcutSpec.xml defines a resource for Windows desktop shortcuts.
<panels> <panel classname="HelloPanel"/> <panel classname="TargetPanel"/> <panel classname="TreePacksPanel"/> <panel classname="SummaryPanel"/> <panel classname="InstallPanel"/> <panel classname="ShortcutPanel"/> <panel classname="FinishPanel"/> </panels>
HelloPanel - This panel welcomes the user by displaying the project name, the version, the URL as well as the authors.
TargetPanel - This panel allows the user to select the installation path.
TreePacksPanel - Using a tree-like structure, this allows the user to select the packs s/he wants to install.
SummaryPanel - This panel gives a summary of all shown panels.
InstallPanel - This panel launches the installation process!
ShortcutPanel - This panel is used to create desktop shortcuts.
FinishPanel - A ending panel, able to write automated installer information.
For a complete list of available panels, see IzPack Panels.
<packs> <pack name="Core" required="yes"> <description>Core installation files</description> <file src="README.html" targetdir="${INSTALL_PATH}"/> <file src="../${FINAL_NAME}.jar" targetdir="${INSTALL_PATH}"/> <fileset dir="${libdir}" targetdir="${INSTALL_PATH}/${libdir}"> <include name="**"/> </fileset> <!-- Unix --> ... <!-- Windows --> ... </pack> <pack name="Logger" required="yes"> ... </pack> <pack name="Logback" parent="Logger" required="no" preselected="yes" condition="LogbackIsSelectable"> ... </pack> <pack name="Log4j" parent="Logger" required="no" preselected="no" condition="Log4jIsSelectable"> ... </pack> <pack name="JUL" parent="Logger" required="no" preselected="no" condition="JULIsSelectable"> ... </pack> </packs>
Packs contain our application and optional features. IzPack provides Ant-like actions to gather files, artifacts, libraries and other resources to create an installer package. The Hello installer defines five packs:
Note: We use the LogbackIsSelectable, Log4jIsSelectable, and JULIsSelectable conditions defined earlier to dynamically maintain the checkboxes as a set of radio buttons.
A desktop shortcut is a small file containing the name of a target program to launch. The shortcut may specify additional parameters to be passed to the program when it is run. Each shortcut can have its own icon. Shortcuts are commonly placed on a desktop, in an application launcher panel, or in the main menu of a desktop environment.
In IzPack we specify how and where desktop shortcuts are installed with the aid of an XML configuration file.
In Linux, shortcuts can be added to the desktop and to the application menu.
<shortcuts> <skipIfNotSupported/> <defaultCurrentUser/> <shortcut ... Specification Attributes ... ... Control Attributes ... ... Linux Attributes ... > <createForPack name="Core"/> </shortcut> </shortcuts>
As the root, the shortcuts element contains a few global settings and wraps one or more shortcut definitions.
The skipIfNotSupported element is used when the target operating system does not support shortcuts. This tag omits the panel on non-supported systems.
The defaultCurrentUser specifies to use "current user" as the default selection. If not specified then "all users" is the default selection, when supported.
The shortcut element has several attributes to be discussed below. It contains sub-elements to create the shortcut only if the specified pack is actually installed.
name="${APP_NAME}" description="Launch ${APP_NAME}" target="java" commandLine="-D${JVM_CFG_LOG} -Djava.ext.dirs=${EXT_DIR} -jar "${INSTALL_PATH}/${FINAL_NAME}.jar"" workingDirectory="${INSTALL_PATH}" iconFile="${INSTALL_PATH}/${ICN_DIR}/${APP_NAME}.png" initialState="normal"
The name element is defined using a built-in variable which, in the Hello installation, traces back to the POM project name.
The description is usually displayed as a tool tip for the shortcut.
The target is the program to be launched. We use "java" as the program and use the commandLine attribute to specify the jar containing our Hello application.
The commandLine contains the arguments to be passed to the target program. In this demonstration, the setting is dynamically defined using previously set variables. The JVM_CFG_LOG value is a dynamic variable set in the Installer XML based on the user's choice of the logging framework.
The workingDirectory defines the start-up path when the Hello application is launched.
The iconFile is an image for both the desktop and the menu icon, 48x48 pixels is a good size.
The initialState is "normal" but it is not used on Linux.
desktop="yes" programGroup="yes" applications="no" startMenu="no" startup="no"
These settings are sufficient to place a shortcut on the desktop and in the application menu.
categories="Application;Office;" type="Application" terminal="false" encoding="UTF-8"
The categories attribute defines a list of suggested locatons for the menu shortcut.
the type must be one of Application or Link.
In Windows, shortcuts can be added to the desktop and grouped in the application menu.
<shortcuts> <skipIfNotSupported/> <programGroup defaultName="Patrodyne\${APP_NAME}" location="applications"/> <defaultCurrentUser/> <shortcut ... Hello Launcher ... > <createForPack name="Core"/> </shortcut> <shortcut ... Uninstaller ... > <createForPack name="Core" /> </shortcut> </shortcuts>
The programGroup defines a sub-menu where we will place two shortcuts, one for the launcher and one for the uninstaller.
name="${APP_NAME}" description="Launch ${APP_NAME}" target="java" commandLine="-D${JVM_CFG_LOG} -Djava.ext.dirs=${EXT_DIR} -jar "${INSTALL_PATH}/${FINAL_NAME}.jar"" workingDirectory="${INSTALL_PATH}" iconFile="${INSTALL_PATH}/${ICN_DIR}/${APP_NAME}.ico" iconIndex="0" initialState="noShow" desktop="yes" programGroup="yes" applications="no" startMenu="no" startup="no"
The iconFile refers to a *.ico icon which, by nature, contains a few images of different sizes.
The iconIndex defines which image to use.
The initialState is noShow to hide the shell window and deference to the Hello application.
name="Uninstall ${APP_NAME}" description="Launch uninstaller" target="java" commandLine="-jar "${INSTALL_PATH}/Uninstaller/uninstaller.jar"" workingDirectory="${INSTALL_PATH}" iconFile="${INSTALL_PATH}/${ICN_DIR}/uninstaller.ico" iconIndex="0" initialState="noShow" desktop="no" programGroup="yes" applications="no" startMenu="no" startup="no"
No desktop shortcut, but we will put a programGroup shortcut for the Uninstaller in the menu.
In addition to the XML configurations, we use several sub-directories to group related resouces.
The bin folder contains native libraries and launch scripts.
#!/bin/sh java -D%{JVM_CFG_LOG} -Djava.ext.dirs=%{EXT_DIR} \ -jar "%{INSTALL_PATH}/%{FINAL_NAME}.jar" # vi:set tabstop=4 hardtabs=4 shiftwidth=4:
This Linux script is used to launch the Hello application from the desktop or the command line. The first line, known as the shebang, tells Linux how to run the script. It specifies the standard shell. The second line starts a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to run Hello. The third line instructs Vi or Vim to use tabs of length 4.
The -D%JVM_CFG_LOG defines a JVM system property to configure the selected logging framework. For Logback, the definition is logback.configurationFile=cfg/logback.xml.
The -Djava.ext.dirs=%EXT_DIR tells the JVM to extend the classpath to include all jars in the %EXT_DIR directory; which, in our configuration, expands to lib/ext. Our install.xml copies the jars for the selected logging framework to the extension path for dynamic, pluggable class loading.
The -jar option tells the JVM to run main class, as specified in the jar's META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file. The INSTALL_PATH is selected by the user and the FINAL_NAME refers to project's build final name as defined in the POM.
@echo off @start "%{APP_NAME}" /D"%{INSTALL_PATH}" javaw -D%{JVM_CFG_LOG} ^ -Djava.ext.dirs=%{EXT_DIR} -jar "%{INSTALL_PATH}/%{FINAL_NAME}.jar" @rem vi:set tabstop=4 hardtabs=4 shiftwidth=4:
This Windows script is used to launch the Hello application from the desktop or the command line. The definitions are similar to the LInux script, above. The difference is how the JVM is started. In order to detach the application from the command window, the start command is used.
For the Hello installation, we use the cfg folder to store various logging configurations files. Only the settings file for the selected log framework is installed.
Images files for Windows and Linux are used for desktop and menu shortcuts:
Placeholder folders:
Placeholder folder.